Civ 5 ui mod
Civ 5 ui mod

civ 5 ui mod

The score card is the player score list, right ? Does'nt this already have a toggle in the option panel ? I guess I could add a toggle there for the citystate ribbon list as well, that would be easy enough. I liked what you did a lot, it really makes the game more user-friendly and more fun to play since it becomes less tedious. These are the ones I remember right now, when I get back home I'll write the others. Maybe icons in the vertical ribbon can be a larger Showing unit upgrades on units would be nice Is it because the old diplo screen is gone, or I made a mistake and didn't see where it is. I had some difficulty to find how many votes I have in the world congress. This can be fixed by a way to orders city states in the vertical ribbon I guess. It is harder to do this with the vertical ribbon and you cant see their names. where is the old diplo screen, it was easy to quickly look through to find the city states that you lost your alliance with, or to count how many city states you are not allied with. If this is not possible or covers too much space, this open-hide thing could be added to the vertical ribbon as it is. And for example if there were two separate lists, I could sort the city state list by influence, or type which would make many things easier. So one can choose which to hide or unhide. Maybe 2 separate lists can be made, 1 for civs,1 for city states, each clickable to unhide and hide. Again city ribbon, as game progresses number of civs and city states increase so the list gets longer, harder to manage. But whether this is possible or not it should be at least arranged by score I feel. Sort by gold, sort by score, sort by GPT, sort by civ feeling etc. I don't know if it is possible but if we could choose by what we sort the list then it would be great. Right now it seems it is arranged by the order you meet others.

civ 5 ui mod civ 5 ui mod

I think there should be a kind of ordering of other civilizations in the vertical ribbon, for example by score.

civ 5 ui mod

That would make it much faster when deciding which state to invest. Again for city states, it would be great if I could see whether the city state is friendly or hostile when I hover the mouse on the vertical ribbon. Or even, on the vertical ribbon somehow? (right now I believe I have to click on the city state to see my influence, the coloring on the vertical ribbon helps but I want to see the exact number) Is it possible to see my influence on a city state either on the city banner or when I mouseover. While I was playing I took some notes but I am at work right now, have a little time and I want to share my thoughts on some aspects of this mod (the ones I remember): I played with this in 3 long games and liked it.

Civ 5 ui mod